In The News

Airline ETF Withstands Rising Oil Prices

from Benzinga December 13, 2017


There is a long-standing theory that airline stocks are vulnerable to rising oil prices and the United States Oil Fund (USO) is up over 22 percent since the beginning of the fourth quarter as of November 29, 2017. Fortunately, airline stocks are holding strong this holiday season. For instance, the US Global Jets ETF (JETS) has gained slightly more than 8 percent in the fourth quarter as of November 29.




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U.S. Global Investors has authored and is responsible for the summary on this page.

The performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when sold or redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost and current performance may be lower or higher than the performance quoted. For performance data current to the most recent month, visit for the U.S. Global Jets ETF or visit for the United States Oil Fund (USO).

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For information regarding the investment objectives, strategies, liquidity, risks, expenses and fees of the United States Oil Fund, please refer to the prospectus of that fund.
References to other mutual funds should not to be considered an offer to buy or sell these securities.

The S&P 500 Stock Index is a widely recognized capitalization-weighted index of 500 common stock prices in U.S. companies.

Smart beta refers to investment strategies that emphasize the use of alternative weighting schemes to traditional market capitalization based indices.

Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) is determined by dividing the price of the stock by the company’s forecasted earnings per share.

