Royal Gold Advanced 30 Percent in 2017

  During 2017, Royal Gold, Inc. rose 30 percent, beating the S&P 500 by around 10 percentage points. Part of this success is due to gold’s price being up 13 percent for the year. Royal Gold was well positioned to capitalize on this growth with around 75 percent of its revenue generated from gold. Royal … Continued

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Airline Industry Outlook Appears Favorable to Some Analysts

  Strong fundamentals and high barriers to entry make airline stocks’ long-term outlook favorable to some analysts according to ETF Trends. Despite United Continental performing below expectations in the fourth quarter, other major airlines experienced success during 2017. “U.S. airlines are on track for their eighth straight year of profits in 2017,” reports CNBC. “Delta … Continued

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Airline ETF Withstands Rising Oil Prices

  There is a long-standing theory that airline stocks are vulnerable to rising oil prices and the United States Oil Fund (USO) is up over 22 percent since the beginning of the fourth quarter as of November 29, 2017. Fortunately, airline stocks are holding strong this holiday season. For instance, the US Global Jets ETF … Continued

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Heavy Labor Day Travel Helps Airline ETF Soar

Almost a third of U.S. refining output was impacted earlier this year by Hurricane Harvey. After so much extreme rainfall and flooding, several states’ fuel prices remained raised into the holiday season. Despite this, air travel has seen record numbers. An estimated 16.1 million passengers flew over the Labor Day holiday from August 30 to … Continued

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Bitcoin Is Waking Up the World, Not Dismantling Gold

During the Silver & Gold Summit, the Investing News Network (INN) met with Frank Holmes to gain insight into the future of gold and cryptocurrencies.  Holmes is the CEO and chief investment officer of U.S. Global Investors as well as the chairman of HIV Blockchain Technologies (HIVE). “I think the real big phenomenon is that … Continued

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New Gold ETF Uses Quant Approach

New Gold ETF Uses Quant Approach

Bloomberg reports that despite gold losing its luster in July of this year, U.S. Global Investors hopes it can bring back that shine with the launch of its smart beta ETF, the U.S. Global GO GOLD and Precious Metal Miners ETF (GOAU). The fund listed on the New York Stock Exchange on June 28, and … Continued

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